@Nambo I appreciate your insights on this, we both have seen much in this organization, and it's diffucult unless you keep a balanced view. I don't know how much time I have left, I hope I am not deluded thinking good change can take place by whistle-blowing the wrongs. Do you wonder how many times Jesus sighed and groaned at his Apostles, and their bickering about "Who is the greatest among them, their duplicity with Jews and Gentiles"? We all will be judged for our failure to act or take actions, I hope, I have made some positive changes, exposing not a small amount of bad conduct, removing some horrible men that would still be in office. I am viewed as a trouble maker with the Hopni and Phineas type elders, our last CO helped me make the life changing decesion, to step away from this elderhood mire!
@Designs: I wish this was not true, I wish the Watchtower focused more energies on loyal ones who are rotting away in Rest Homes. People get a greater emotional high driving around in Field Service, than they receive doing the actual service of Jesus Christ. Compare their actions to the ancient Church of the first four centuries and how much more sucess they had, good works and love attracted real converts.
The only way the Christian Church made in-roads into the Roman Culture, was their empathy, and altruism to members and non members alike! I read where old ones were dumped to die on the road, the Christians of the first four centuries picked up these human beings and took care of them. The concept of orphanage, caring for the elderly, widows and sick, (even if they were not christians) was considered an honor and duty! Plagues, Famines, Natural Disasters allowed Christians to practice love and minister to these ones, even if it costed their own life (catching a disease from nursing victims of the plague).
@yourmamma, falseprophet The first lie I witnesses was having a wife abusing husband, who had not been to meetings in seven months, provide a great Circuit Assembly part on "The Importance Of Staying Close To The Congregation, Meeting Attendance!" Ouch! Second lie was rarely seen kids at meetings (all are now DF'ed) telling the audience how they were going to Bethel, Pioneer, Gilead. ectt. I asked "How can you stand up and tell everyone this, you said your going to UCLA!" she said "My dad wanted me too!" These six kids from this particular Circuit Assembly are long gone! We all have seen people we know are public drunks, pain pill addicts, willful non-supporting male mates, give great parts! One of the strangest parts I saw was someone who lost their house to foreclosure, filed bankruptcy and gave the part of "Simplying your life, to serve Jehovah better!"???????????????????
@Fernando: I enjoy reading your threads and posts as well, I enjoy your style!